My Pets and Related Links

John and I have four pets: two scissortail rasboras named Lizzie (a.k.a. Carnie) and Wendy, a guinea pig named Stewart, and a hamster named Stephanie.

Stewart is a mixed-breed cavy with Himalayan points. He likes to eat carrots, hay, parsley, and bok choy, and loves to explore the world outside his cage. I named Stewie for my favorite actor, James Stewart.

Stewart Dewart, 1997 Stephanie Removing Human Germs, 5/2000

Upon awakening every evening, our pretty young hamster, Stephanie Plum (named for a character in Janet Evanovich's mysteries), goes to the front door of her cage and rattles the bars 'til I let her out on my hand and allow her some exercise.

If you have hamsters or are thinking of getting one you might be interested in the following links:

Last year brought us quite a bit of sadness due to deaths of beloved pets. I dedicate this page to all those mammalian friends who have brought so much joy and love to my life.

Last year (May 3, 1999) the Simoes family dog, Lucy, died. She was a terrific PuppyPointer, able to make me smile with merely a turn of her head, or a paw on my lap (or arm, or face). Thanks, Lucy, for all the good times! We will miss you terribly.

Me and Lucy

Simon & Garfunkel, Fall 1996Our two Syrian hamsters, Simon and Garfunkel ("Funkey"), also passed on in 1999. Funkey died March 10, while Simon died April 27. They were around 2 1/2 years old. I'm glad for the time I had with them, however short.

Christine's Campsite

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You are listening to Petsounds, by the Beach Boys

This page was created June 20, 1998.
It was last updated November 9, 2000.

© 1997-2000 Christine Simoes Tilden